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This Week In Ideas Shared With Panopto — May 22, 2015

Every week, we’re inspired by the new insights and perspectives that Panopto customers from around the globe share with their students, employees, and the broader internet community. This week was no exception. So as those of us our US headquarters wrap up this week’s work and prepare to power down our computers for a three-day weekend, we’d like to share some of the most enlightening presentations captured this week using Panopto’s video content management software.

Research Illiteracy - Panopto Flipped Classroom Platform

The Dangers of Research Illiteracy
In this flipped classroom lecture, Dr. Sosanya Jones at Southern Illinois University discusses the importance of an ability to discern the difference between quality, credible research and less dependable sources — particularly when it comes to evaluating information for decision-making when it comes to educational policy.

The Evolution of Immunosuppression in Liver Transplantation
This year’s recipient of the Thomas E. Starzl Prize in Surgery and Immunology is Dr. John Fung, professor and chair of the Department of Surgery at Case Western Reserve University’s Lerner College of Medicine. In this event recording, Dr. Fung shares a historical perspective on the immunosuppressive tools used to prevent organ rejection after transplantation.
Bits Bytes Integers - Panopto Lecture Capture Platform

Bits, Bytes, and Integers
In technology, bits are the essential element in representing information. By interpreting strings of bits in various ways, computers are able to execute instructions and perform tasks. Learn more about bits, binary representation, and the basics of computer science in this recorded lecture from Carnegie Mellon University.
How Twitter Can Boost Language Learning - Panopto Video CMS Platform

Fostering Students’ Engagement and Production: How Twitter’s 140 Character Limit Can Boost Language Learning and Cultural Awareness
Since its inception in 2006, Twitter has become an indispensable social media channel, enabling people all over the world to share opinions and information. In this presentation, Professor Alessia Plutino shows us another use for the service: foreign language skills development. Learn more about TwitTIAMO, her pedagogical project that harnesses the power of Twitter to help students learn about Italian language and culture in this fascinating video.

Try It For Yourself!

Panopto makes it easy for anyone, anywhere to record presentations and share them online, both as live streaming webcasts and recorded on-demand video. To see how Panopto can help you share your ideas, contact our team for a free trial today.