HomePanopto Innovate: DACH

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Panopto Innovate DACH

May 20 2025 ▪ Hamburg, Germany ▪ Free

About the Conference

Join us for the 2025 Panopto Innovate DACH Conference, where higher education professionals across DACH will come together to collaborate, share best practices, and explore the future of video in education.

This event features engaging customer presentations, interactive round table discussions, networking opportunities, and the latest updates from Panopto, including exciting new features and the recent Elai acquisition.

The conference will start at 9.30 am and finish at 5 pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the event, with networking drinks to close the day.

An informal gathering is scheduled for the evening of May 19th, so please plan travel accordingly.


There are two multi-storey car parks (Contipark) close by. Rates 3€/hour & 28€/24h.

Park+Ride Hamburg – Für Auto & Bike – Mobil mit PR.Hamburg The rates are 2€ per 24-hour day pass and 4 €/24h for people parking longer than 24 hours. 

The subway station “Überseequartier” is a short walk approx 200m. Only the U4 services this station. From the main train station, the U4 leaves every 10 Minutes from “Hauptbahnhof Nord” in direction “Elbbrücken”

Hotel Recommendation

Superbude – the closest one is St. Georg with 37 minutes walk or 22 minutes via public transport
Premier Inn Hamburg City – 17 minutes walk

Agenda (subject to change)

09.30-10.00: Registration & Networking
10.00-11.00: Introduction presentation
11.00-11.30: Customer Use Case presentation
11.30-12.00: Customer Use Case presentation
12.30-13.45: Lunch & Networking
13.45-15:15: Round Table/Breakout Session
15.15-15.30: Networking Break
15.30-16.00: Panopto Roadmap with Q&A
16.00-17.00: Networking

To register for the free event, tell us a bit about yourself:

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