HomeIngersoll Rand

Ingersoll Rand

How this diversified industrial company redesigned a modern workforce learning and training program


200+ Qualified Users

Efficient Knowledge Sharing

33,000 Video Views in a Year


Ingersoll Rand ist ein diversifiziertes Industrieunternehmen, das die Lebensqualität durch die Schaffung komfortabler, nachhaltiger und effizienter Umgebungen steigert. Seine Markenfamilie, darunter Club Car®, Ingersoll Rand®, Thermo King® und Trane®, verbessert die Qualität und den Komfort der Luft in Wohnungen und Gebäuden, transportiert und schützt Lebensmittel und verderbliche Waren und steigert die Produktivität und Effizienz in der Industrie.

The company has hundreds of locations worldwide and serves customers in highly competitive industries and product and service categories. Consequently, it consistently looks for new learning solutions across the organization. Today, Ingersoll Rand is leveraging a new kind of video solution—one that enables the company to build employee skills and capabilities.

The company’s more than 46,000 employees work worldwide in hundreds of facilities, including offices, assembly plants, technology centers, warehouses, and distribution and repair centers. 

As a global company with competitive offerings across its entire product spectrum, Ingersoll Rand competes against highly regarded global brands and established regional and local suppliers. A dispersed and multilingual workforce, many work environments, and the diversified manufacturing of different product lines present training opportunities for the company.

To meet the needs of the employees, the company established a strategy of “creating a winning culture” as a core component of delivering premier performance. Ingersoll Rand defines a winning culture as “the best people aspire to work, a place where employees feel connected with the company’s vision and empowered to do the right thing.”

Ingersoll Rand utilizes Panopto, an enterprise video platform, to build upon a strong, winning culture. The platform is an important tool in learning and development to rapidly share knowledge and information across the organization.

Ingersoll Rand Employes the Power of Video

Ingersoll Rand selected video as a tool for learning, development, training, and engaging employees in a winning culture worldwide. With Panopto, Ingersoll Rand could offer self-produced, internal video creation as an option to complement the video work done by external video production companies.

Jahrzehntelang hatte das Unternehmen Video verwendet, um hochkarätige Firmenveranstaltungen und Schulungsaktivitäten aufzuzeichnen. Diese Produktionen erforderten oft teure Aufnahmegeräte, Produzenten, Editoren und externe Anbieter. Die hohen Kosten und das erforderliche Fachwissen machten es schwierig, Video in einem so großen Unternehmen wie Ingersoll Rand in großem Umfang zu nutzen. Erschwerend kam hinzu, dass Budget und Qualität die Produktionszeit für aufgezeichnete Veranstaltungen und Schulungen um Wochen oder Monate verlängern konnten, was Video zu einem weniger idealen Support-Tool für schnelle Kommunikation und Wissensaustausch machte. 

Wie jedoch jeder, der virale Videos im Internet gesehen hat, bestätigen kann, ist die Macht von Videos als Medium zur Verbreitung von Ideen beträchtlich. Die Lernteams bei Ingersoll Rand wollten einen besseren Weg finden, um diese Kraft intern zu nutzen. 

Ingersoll Rand’s leadership development team sought a video solution that could be used by professionals and nonexperts alike—one that would make video easy to capture, edit, and share; simplify the legal review process for videos; and accelerate the company’s ability to deliver key messages across the organization via online training. On the production side, the company would need to be able to insert presentation slides, additional videos, or other information into video recordings and delete extraneous material from recorded events. Team members must be able to record video on any device (from personal smartphones to professional video cameras), automatically synchronize video feeds with presentation slides and live screen recordings, and create transcripts. The solution would also need to enable learning teams to download existing recordings for use in regional town halls or training settings all around the globe. 

Ingersoll Rand also wanted to improve the viewers’ experience by intelligently and efficiently navigating the content inside long videos. The company sought a solution that would include both in-video navigation options, such as a table of contents and slide thumbnails, and a comprehensive video content search. With the right support for video search, viewers would be able to locate keywords or phrases spoken by presenters or shown on-screen and then instantly jump to specific, relevant moments in the video, just as they could within a text-based document.

After researching the enterprise video market, Ingersoll Rand ultimately decided that the Panopto enterprise video platform best met the company’s identified needs. In 2015, Ingersoll Rand engaged with Panopto, deploying it in the cloud to streamline implementation and ensure maximum stability and reliability. The company then made plans to use that year’s internal annual leadership conference as a pilot test for Panopto. 

The pilot test proved to be a success. During the company’s leadership conference, Panopto recorded the event. Within three days, company leaders were able to use the post-event video to continue cascading those messages across the organization. 

Ein prominentes Suchfeld im Video ermöglichte es Benutzern, Begriffe zu finden, die in Transkripten oder Sprechernotizen enthalten waren, und stellte aktive Links zu Inhalten bereit 

Shortly thereafter, the learning technology team began experimenting with repackaging other video recordings into more novel communication products. For example, Meeting in a Box provides employees with the main takeaways from a meeting, which they can use to direct their learning.

“The on-demand video presentations from executives left a very
strong positive impression with our business leaders.”

Manager für Lerntechnologie, Ingersoll Rand

Förderung des operativen Erfolgs

HR business partners began to inquire about using the video solution to help plant managers improve efficiency and share best practices. At Ingersoll Rand, plant managers always seek new ways to improve their lean manufacturing efficiency and operational excellence practices on the factory floor. Every new efficiency leads to cost savings that directly impact the company’s bottom line.

Before using Panopto, if a team member wanted to document a process or an opportunity in a video, they would need to bring equipment and a videographer. 

Today, achieving operational excellence is easy. Team members participating in the Panopto program can record the process with any smartphone. Learning managers on the ground can quickly edit the video to add supplemental information, such as a screen recording or presentation slides, and share the video almost instantly. Managers and other stakeholders can now watch videos from their desks while traveling or at home. 

Ingersoll Rand’s talent and organizational capability team also uses the new video platform to improve learning content delivery, including how the team trains its own trainers. 

Ingersoll Rand offers sales excellence training led by in-house trainers and taught at locations worldwide. Originally, the train-the-trainer model for the program was simply to have new trainers physically attend an upcoming session.

Today, those sessions are recorded with Panopto, which enables new trainers to go back at any time and watch as many previous sessions as they need to feel confident leading the session. They can even use the search function, which allows them to move quickly throughout the recorded training sessions to areas that answer specific questions they have while skipping the sections they are already familiar with.

Erfolg analysieren

Another advantage the video platform has provided the learning technology team is the ability to analyze usage data in order to fine-tune future learning materials. Panopto’s reporting features go far beyond cataloging unique visitors. For example, the analytics suite identifies specific parts of videos that are most frequently viewed and bookmarked. With this knowledge, the learning technology team can edit and improve existing training content to better engage viewers and tailor future training toward areas they identify as of special interest. 

The learning technology team also uses data analytics embedded within the platform to measure how quickly new messages are viewed. One video message was slow to build, initially with just a dozen views. Within a week, that number spiked to more than 400 views, with more than 12,000 video minutes delivered.

Auswirkungen auf das Geschäft

When Ingersoll Rand piloted its new video platform, it sought a complement to professionally produced videos for internal use. It realized it had found a flexible tool that could help the company rapidly share its culture, strategy, and goals for the coming year beyond what a live event could reach. Executives felt that the impact of the video pilot was tangible, and the company’s HR team began expanding the use of its video platform.

Heute nimmt die Zahl der Videozuschauer bei Ingersoll Rand rapide zu, und das hat zu mehreren Vorteilen geführt, darunter:

  • Verbesserte betriebliche Prozesse und Verfahren
  • Efficient and widespread knowledge-sharing
  • Schnelle und kostengünstige Entwicklung von Corporate Trainern
  • Förderung einer gemeinsamen Kultur

While the number of users for Ingersoll Rand’s video platform has expanded from just a few in 2015 to more than 200 in 2018, the company plans to grow its user base exponentially in 2019. Most of the users are part of the wider HR organization, including corporate communications, learning and development, and HR business partners.  However, as the tool is used more extensively throughout business units, its demand continues to increase.

Mit Blick auf die Zukunft wird eine Herausforderung für das Lerntechnologie-Team die Unterstützung einer breiteren Benutzerbasis sein. Bisher lag der Schlüssel zum Erfolg des Teams im Angebot von praktischem Support und Schulungen. Die Einführung der Videoplattform auf breiterer Basis bedeutet, dass dieses Team seine eigenen Schulungen sowohl durch eine bewährte Train-the-Trainer-Methode als auch durch durchsuchbare On-Demand-Videotrainingsmaterialien skalieren muss.

Global organizations like Ingersoll Rand need the ability to spread information as fast as possible. And with operations that span time zones, continents, business units, and regional identities, they face even tougher challenges when spreading culture and knowledge.

Video ist eine offensichtliche Lösung, aber nicht alle Videos erfordern die Produktion durch Teams von spezialisierten Experten. Der Einsatz von Technologie, die die Erstellung, Produktion und Verteilung von Videoinhalten vereinfacht, kann eine kostengünstige und schnelle Möglichkeit sein, Informationen in einer verteilten Organisation zu teilen.

To truly leverage the power of video and its ability to spread knowledge, companies must make video content accessible to their team members on any device, any location, or any time of day. Companies can achieve maximum effectiveness by creating searchable videos linked to other key information, including presentation slides. Implementing these capabilities can help organizations utilize video effectively as a learning resource.

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