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Haverford College

Increasing accessibility and supporting universal design for learning with Panopto


11,205 Hours of Panopto Video Usage in A Single Semester

Video Content Accessible to 1,373 Students

22 Classrooms Equipped for Lecture Capture

Le défi

En 2011, une professeure de chimie a demandé aux services de technologie pédagogique de l'aider à trouver une solution pour enregistrer les cours. Elle voulait que les élèves puissent revoir les cours et les diapositives après la classe, et voulait que les enregistrements soient faciles à trouver. Les services de technologie pédagogique de Haverford ont passé en revue plusieurs plateformes technologiques pour enregistrer et gérer les enregistrements des conférences, et ont finalement choisi Panopto. 

Prior to the pandemic, Haverford professors were primarily using Panopto for traditional automated lecture capture. Students would come to class, the professor would begin teaching, and Panopto would automatically record, share, and store the lecture. When classes moved online and students and professors were all in different locations, professors needed a new recording tool – one that could do synchronous video conferencing and record at the same time.

The selected video conferencing solution, however, had its limitations: the video editing capabilities and long-term video storage were minimal, and it wasn’t the best solution for sharing class videos. With this system, the recordings weren’t being saved in the correct folders in Moodle and it was difficult to find videos once they were recorded.

La solution

When it became clear to Instructional Technology Services that Haverford would be shifting to remote learning, they quickly turned their attention to training teachers and staff on how to use various technologies to keep the college running smoothly. 

Through a combination of training courses and individualized help for professors, Haverford delineated best practices on how to use the video conferencing system and Panopto together for maximum effectiveness. The video conferencing system was to be used for capturing live sessions and Panopto was the software for creating and editing asynchronous video as well as storing and managing video recordings.

Much of the training for Panopto focused on how to create flipped content and how to rethink content delivered via video. Instructional Technology Specialists Sharon Strauss and Alexander Savoth encouraged professors to create short videos (10 minutes or less), rather than recording long lectures. They stressed the importance of using online teaching pedagogical best practices – breaking up 40-minute lectures into smaller, more digestible pieces for on-demand viewing.

Once live recordings were available in Panopto, professors could easily edit them, “You can do more editing in Panopto than you can with the video conferencing system,” says Strauss. “With the video conferencing system, you can only clip the ends. But with Panopto you can make cuts in the middle and that’s really helpful if people just want to share part of a meeting.”

“Today, we use Panopto a lot. In addition to lecture capture, we use it to store video conference recordings and other video content that people need to stream, especially videos that faculty create and need to share with their classes. These features have been especially useful during the pandemic.”Sharon Strauss, Instructional Technology Specialist – Haverford College

“Panopto is the main place that we store and deliver video, so it makes sense to use Panopto to record. But also Panopto is just really intuitive. It is easy to make a recording, share your screen, and make edits.”

Alexander Savoth, Instructional Technology Specialist, Haverford College


Prior to the pandemic, Haverford only had six classrooms configured to support video recording. When the college decided to use a hybrid model of teaching in the fall of 2020, it made 22 classrooms video conference and Panopto-ready, with high-quality cameras and microphone systems.

La combinaison du passage à l'apprentissage virtuel et hybride, associée aux investissements dans la formation et la technologie, a fait que l'utilisation de Panopto a considérablement augmenté pendant la pandémie.

"Aujourd'hui, nous utilisons beaucoup Panopto", dit Strauss. "En plus de la capture de conférences, nous l'utilisons pour stocker les enregistrements de vidéoconférences et d'autres contenus vidéo que les gens doivent diffuser, notamment les vidéos que les professeurs créent et doivent partager avec leurs classes. Ces caractéristiques ont été particulièrement utiles pendant la pandémie."

The pandemic allowed professors to experience the benefits of video as a powerful learning tool. Students came to rely on the videos as rich study aids, and those with learning disabilities benefited even more from accessibility-friendly features. 

À Haverford, la "nouvelle normalité" est pleine d'opportunités car les étudiants et le corps enseignant se tournent de plus en plus vers Panopto pour des expériences d'apprentissage toujours meilleures.

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