HomeSupport Center

Support Center

Find useful information on how to get support for Panopto products or discuss your subscription with your account manager.

Visit the Panopto Support Page

Our dedicated support page offers step-by-step guidance on commonly asked questions.

Connect with the Support Team

Have a query? Reach out to our team for extended support and guidance on your Panoptoo experience.

Get Help Signing In

Having trouble signing in? No problem, we have some advice for you.

Excellence Service for our Customers

At Panopto, our customers are at the heart of all we do. For over 15 years Panopto has prided itself with delivering world-class service for its over 1,300 customers and over 11 million users worldwide. This is why we have a continuous rating of over 9.6/10 in customer satisfaction for 6 years in a row and a customer retention rate of 95%. Our tier based support model includes an option for 24/7 support for staff and students and our NPS score is 2x the industry average.

Global Customer Support

Panopto is a truly global organization, with offices and a support network spread around the world. And for all regions we cannot serve directly, we are working with reliable reseller and service partners directly on-sight to deliver the service our customers expect and deserve. Our servers are monitored 24/7/365 and we maintain 99.99% service uptime.

Support for Panopto administrators

Don’t Miss Advanced Customer Training

Visit our customer training portal online to get more from your Panopto experience.

Learn in live training webinars, attend weekly Q&As with support staff, and don’t miss our monthly customer office hours.

Online Training Portal

How to sign in to Panopto

  1. Navigate to
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Choose a Panopto site you would like to log into

If you experience any issues, we recommend you to get in touch with your organization’s Panopto administrator(s).

Our support team cannot help individual users with login or other queries.