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How to Make Blended Learning A Success At Your Company
Creating a blended learning program can be time-consuming. Between creating course modules, designing a curriculum, and getting trainers on board, implementing an effective program often requires weeks of planning and cross-department coordination.
Unfortunately, for all the time and effort spent, some L&D organizations struggle to drive eLearning adoption within their companies. So what can your organization do to ensure that your blended learning and eLearning content is being used and that employees are deriving value from it?
Market Your Blended Learning Program
Your curriculum can’t be successful if no one knows about your program or signs up for the courses. Therefore, it’s essential that you develop a strong internal marketing strategy to promote your new eLearning program. Share overviews of the training modules you’re offering and provide details on specific parts of your course content that potential learners will find most relevant.
As you develop your marketing plan, be sure to communicate the benefits of the blended/hybrid learning approach compared to the in-person training that employees may have experienced in the past. Some employees may be wary of change, particularly if eLearning is new to your company. Consider creating a wiki page, email, or short explainer video that highlights the benefits of eLearning, such as increased knowledge retention, the ability to access learning precisely when it’s needed, and the ability to learn at an individual pace. Use information from industry research and other resources to get employees excited about training and the value they’ll derive from participating.
You’ll also want to make sure that you continue to market your hybrid learning program beyond the initial campaigns, lest your program be seen as just a passing fad. Send out regular updates regarding upcoming courses and new training content, and always be sure to reiterate the importance of training to both personal and professional development.
Engage eLearning Evangelists and Advocates
Research shows that employees are influenced most by the colleagues that they trust, so having the right person in your corner can work wonders for driving eLearning adoption at your company. Find advocates outside of your department that other employees trust and follow, and speak to them about the importance of training overall, and of your program, specifically. Make sure that your advocates understand the impact that your program will have on their teams, as well as the company as a whole. Finally, work with your champions to develop ways to effectively drive your message to their teams. We recommend having your advocates use your video platform to create short recordings introducing the new curriculum that you can then use in your marketing campaigns.
Involve Management at All Stages
Employees will be more likely to participate in a blended learning program when they know that it has the support of management. And managers will be more apt to support training when they feel like the program was developed with their teams in mind. Therefore, we recommend involving managers at all steps of the program, starting from the first stages of course design. Pull managers in during the initial planning stages to determine their needs, as well as the specific skills gaps their teams could address through training. You can then use that feedback to tailor your course content and work on closing those gaps.
Watch an example eLearning video recorded with Panopto below:
Further down the line, get managers even more involved in the curriculum by having them create short eLearning videos that are included as part of the training. And consider working with managers to create the right learner evaluation metrics, since they’ll be the ones ultimately determining whether the training had a positive impact on their teams. You may want to hold training sessions specifically for managers to learn which features of your company’s blended learning platform, such as video analytics, can be used to evaluate their employees’ progress during the training.
Celebrate Successes
Employees like to be appreciated for their actions. As learners begin to complete courses and make gains, be sure to share their successes across your team. Even small acknowledgments in internal company communications such as newsletters or on information portals can help build positive associations with your eLearning programs and inspire other employees to explore the training options available to them.
Better yet, have managers use your video platform to record short videos recognizing the training that their direct reports have received. Sharing successes with potential learners in this way further increases the visibility and interest in your program.
Interested in Using Video for Blended Learning at Your Company?
If you’re considering a blended approach to training at your company, Panopto can help. Our industry-leading video platform is currently in use at over 500 Fortune 500 companies and educational institutions all over the world. Our clients have access to a library of resources and tutorials that can be used to facilitate a successful rollout of Panopto at their organizations. To learn how Panopto can help you boost blended learning at your company, contact our team today to request a free trial.