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This Week In Ideas Shared With Panopto — December 19, 2014
“You’re not holding that session now, are you? That’s crazy, everyone’s already out for the holidays.”
“You scheduled a class for next week? But no one will be in!”
“You can’t schedule a year-end event — you’ll be competing with year-end vacations!”
Whether it’s employee training, a university symposium, a corporate conference, or just about any other event, meeting, or even simple presentation, schedulers have long worked with one rule of thumb — never plan anything between Thanksgiving and New Years.
While it’s absolutely true that many of us will be leaving the office dark for a few days in the coming weeks — does that really mean our training teams, our HR teams, and our communications teams should be handcuffed for a whole month every year?
Learning today should be on-demand — 24/7, and most importantly, 365. Ramping down training events and other presentations for a whole month every year just because people might not be able to attend an in-person session makes as much sense as driving without a seatbelt just because old cars didn’t have them.
With video presentation software like Panopto, along with a host of other on-demand web-based learning tools, your trainers, communicators, and executives don’t have to give away a month. They can use December to its fullest — and just press “record” to make sure that everyone out for the holidays can quickly connect and catch up with all the great work still going on.
This week we saw more and more people taking advantage of video to communicate, instruct, and inform. And in the spirit of passing it on, these are just a few of the ideas shared this week with Panopto’s online presentation tools.

Challenges Posed by Digital Assets in Estate Administration
Very few people make plans for the future their assets after death — especially digital ones. This recorded seminar on the post-death afterlife of digital assets examines how individuals can manage the full spectrum of 21st century property and the challenges posed by the digital world. Speakers James Norris, CEO of DeadSocial, Dr. Wendy Moncur, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee, and Andrea Pierce, Head of Legal Services at Kings Court Trust Ltd, address everything from management of estates to controlling a person’s post-mortem identity. Whether it’s passwords, social networking accounts, or online property, the certainty of death opens up an entirely new world for living next of kin to negotiate after a person dies.
Child Development: The Self & Identity
As the flipped classroom model begins to truly take off in academia, more and more teachers are finding value in delivering lectures as viewable homework — and opening class time for interactive discussion. Join the students at Chatham University for this week’s look into child development, with a focus on the development of the self and personal identity — and see for yourself how today’s teachers are working to get students more engaged.
Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus after Renal Transplant
For patients with a transplant in their medical history, treatment even for common afflictions can be significantly challenging — and sometimes quite different from the methods that would otherwise be recommended. For just one example, join the Henry Ford Medical Group for this on-demand training discussion of how healthcare providers can treat diabetes mellitus for patients who’ve previously had a kidney transplant.
How to Upload Files to Google Drive
Still storing your files on your local PC or email client — and quickly running out of storage space? It’s time to check out the cloud. Join Florida Tech’s Jared Campbell for this enthusiastic overview of how you can use Google Drive to store and manage your files in the cloud — with space to spare.
The Hippocampus in Health and Disease
Visit the University College Cork for the symposium on the role the hippocampus plays in human health. Organised by Science Foundation Ireland-funded Investigators Dr Yvonne Nolan and Professor John F. Cryan, the session features a number of neuroscientists who work on hippocampal biology, and will concludes with a ceremony honoring Nobel Laureate John O’Keefe for his work in the field.
Equivalence Calculations for Compound Interest Formulas
A solid grasp of the fundamentals of mathematics is essential for everyday life. Brush up on your financial skills with this recorded lecture on compound interest formulas. This session is a great example of why lecture capture has become so popular in academic and corporate learning environments alike — recording the material enables students to watch, rewind, repeat, and replay every concept anytime they need, and as often as they need in order to really learn.
Try It For Yourself!
Panopto makes it easy for anyone, anywhere to record presentations and share them online, both as live streaming webcasts and recorded on-demand video. To see how Panopto can help you share your ideas, contact our team for a free trial today.