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Panopto Video Cloud Platform

Store and protect your organization’s online video library in the cloud, while still making it easy for the right people to access internal videos.

Store sensitive video content securely in the cloud.

When an employee uploads a video intended for internal eyes only to a public sharing site like YouTube, Vimeo, DropBox, or Google Drive, their reasoning is almost never malicious. They just didn’t have a better option for sharing the file. Which means you need to give them one.

With Panopto’s video cloud platform, you can host private, internal videos securely. Employees can upload and store videos (or even record new ones) and share them with ease, while viewing permissions can be set at the library, folder, or individual recording level. And Panopto integrates with your Single Sign-On (SSO) identity management systems, so your sensitive video content is never inadvertently shared with the wrong audience.

Cloud video makes it easy to scale.

Learning Management Systems (LMSs), Content Management Systems (CMSs), and other solutions typically used to store text documents just weren’t built to manage the size and complexity of large video files. By hosting video content in the cloud you can store all of your organization’s videos in one place without running out of space, no matter how many videos you have now or will create in the future.

With the Panopto video cloud storage, you never have to worry about purchasing additional hardware or upgrading servers in order to store your growing video library on-premises. Panopto takes care of upgrades and maintenance, ensuring you’re always running the newest and most secure version.

The video cloud keeps working even when other systems fail.

With mirrored cloud video storage and fail-safe recording, Panopto’s platform protects you from data loss and service interruptions due to power outages, hardware failures, and other potentially catastrophic events.

Want proof? When a campus server malfunctioned during midterms at Thomas Jefferson University, Panopto kept recording and students still had access to study materials, despite the outage.

Elastic scaling that helps maintain performance during demand spikes.

As you record more and more content, your video content platform should be able to automatically increase its capacity to handle the encoding and viewing load. No other video platform vendor provides a cloud-based solution with greater scalability than Panopto.

Each month, Panopto Cloud streams more than 1.7 million hours (more than 200 years’ worth) of video to customers around the world. And Panopto’s unique support for elastic scaling helps maintain performance during demand spikes, which are typically seen during corporate events or university exam periods. Specifically, Panopto allocates new front-end, encoding, and data resources dynamically during these demand spikes, and deallocates these resources automatically during demand lulls.

Shorten the last mile

Regional video cloud infrastructure.

When it comes to streaming video online, physical distance makes a difference. Local hosting can help you ensure faster video startup times and minimize buffering. That’s why Panopto offers regional video cloud hosting options globally, including instances in the US, Canada, the EU, and in Asia. We also partner with other cloud providers around the world, and support hosting private instances of our video platform on third-party cloud options like Amazon Virtual Private Cloud or Microsoft’s Azure cloud.

Video Content Delivery

Built from the ground up on modern streaming protocols, Panopto enables more efficient, scalable, and affordable video content delivery across your network and online.

Deliver video content more efficiently.

Panopto includes a unique media pipeline that uses modern HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) for video capture, live webcasting, and on-demand distribution. As a result, you get faster video startup times, reduced buffering, unmatched scalability, and higher-quality playback for both internal and external audiences.

Reduce complexity while improving video storage scalability.

Whenever a technology requires specialized support, risk increases. When working with video, overlay networks, custom protocols, and specialized servers required for previous streaming solutions left organizations with fragile, expert-dependent systems.

HLS streaming reduces that complexity, enabling organizations to consolidate video network traffic to HTTP using TCP ports 80 and 443. It lowers costs, eliminating the need to deploy and manage separate caching infrastructures and overlay networks. And the ubiquity of HTTP servers and caching proxies makes scalability an inherent feature of the underlying network.

Additionally, HLS video streaming helps ensure compatibility and optimal playback experiences for a wide range of viewer devices and connections.

Intelligent video content delivery and playback.

Optimal video playback on every device.

Panopto’s approach to video delivery improves the playback experience. Our servers automatically detect your device every time you click play and deliver a playback experience optimized for that form factor. Video is tailored to the size and capabilities of the device, so when you press play, the video is shown at the ideal resolution and quality whether you’re viewing on a Samsung Galaxy S8 or an iPad Pro.

Videos uploaded to Panopto are also transcoded for adaptive bitrate streaming, ensuring that viewers located anywhere in the world get the best possible playback experience both at their desks on gigabit ethernet and in the field consuming media over a 3G network.

Support for RTMP encoders.

RTMP remains one of the most popular protocols for converting video feeds from cameras into media formats suitable for live streaming. You can connect your RTMP encoders to Panopto to broadcast events live to thousands of simultaneous viewers.

Panopto converts the RTMP feed to HLS as it’s ingested. Integrations with enterprise content delivery networks (ECDNs) and WAN optimization solutions minimize video startup time and buffering of the live feed. And with live DVR, viewers who join late never have to miss a moment of the webcast.

Flexible video streaming options that work with your existing network infrastructure.

Panopto’s video cloud provides the easiest, most flexible options for streaming video over the Internet. Out of the box, we deliver video using Akamai and Amazon CloudFront CDNs, the largest global content delivery networks. As a result, you get faster video startup time and minimal latency regardless of where you’re located. And if you already partner with a CDN provider, Panopto is compatible. In fact, you can configure Panopto to work with your CDN with only a few simple updates in your Panopto admin console.

Video platform that just works.

Panopto integrates with your WANop and ECDN investments. Whether you already have WAN optimization infrastructure or are looking for new ways to improve the efficiency of video streaming on your network, Panopto has you covered.

Support for existing web caches

Panopto is built to work out of the box with popular HTTP caching systems provided by Squid, Nginx, Apache, and IIS.

Integration with WANop solutions

Panopto integrates seamlessly with WANop technology from Riverbed, Blue Coat, Silver Peak, Cisco, Citrix, and others.

Support for P2P ECDNs

Panopto has partnered with ECDN leader Kollective to help you achieve the efficiency of multicast using modern protocols.

Freely available HTTP caching proxy

Panopto offers an HTTP caching proxy at no additional cost for improving video delivery to remote offices.

Read more about hosting videos securely in the cloud.